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Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night
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Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night - Page 2 Empty
Message Re: Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night
par Invité, Lun 9 Sep - 13:51 (#)
Re bienvenue Haww
Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night - Page 2 Empty
Message Re: Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night
par Guest, Lun 9 Sep - 13:59 (#)
REbienvenue. hihi
Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night - Page 2 Empty
Message Re: Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night
par Invité, Lun 9 Sep - 14:50 (#)
Re Bienvenuuuuuue Han! Brille
Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night - Page 2 Empty
Message Re: Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night
par Invité, Lun 9 Sep - 16:51 (#)
Merci beaucoup tout le monde ! Han! Daengelo
Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night - Page 2 Empty
Message Re: Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night
par Invité, Lun 9 Sep - 17:08 (#)
Re bienvenuuue Haww
Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night - Page 2 Empty
Message Re: Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night
par Guest, Lun 9 Sep - 19:28 (#)
bienvenue Han!
Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night - Page 2 Empty
Message Re: Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night
par Invité, Lun 9 Sep - 22:53 (#)
Merci les filles :3
Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night - Page 2 Empty
Message Re: Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night
par Invité, Lun 9 Sep - 23:12 (#)
soeurette!!! héhé re-bienvenue sur BP, on commence a être de plus en plus de Leroy on va envahir BP XD bon je vais lire ta fiche tutututuh
Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night - Page 2 Empty
Message Re: Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night
par Invité, Lun 9 Sep - 23:15 (#)
Merci Big bro ! :3 Et ouais il faut ! Plus de LeRoy, faut qu'on les pollue ! Han!
Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night - Page 2 Empty
Message Re: Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night
par Guest, Lun 9 Sep - 23:42 (#)
Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night - Page 2 Empty
Message Re: Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night
par Guest, Mar 10 Sep - 9:52 (#)
Rebienvenue alors Xd

J'ai pas encore tous lu, mais les titres sont sympa Hide 
Le Choixpeau Magique
pnj - we are all subjects to the fates
Le Choixpeau Magique
Répartition : 19/01/2013
Hiboux Envoyés : 2104
Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night - Page 2 Empty
Message Re: Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night
par Le Choixpeau Magique, Mar 10 Sep - 14:01 (#)
Bienvenue Daengelo
J'aurais juste un petit soucis au niveau du patronus, ce dernier n'est supposé avoir qu'une seule identité or chez toi ils semblent deux différents (nom, sexe de la bête) il faudrait corriger :/

Pour le reste, il me manque plus que l'avis de Gil Chou
Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night - Page 2 Empty
Message Re: Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night
par Guest, Mar 10 Sep - 23:36 (#)
Me voilààààà ! Ma petite soeur à mon accord ! Han!Han! Let's GO BABY GIRL ! Viens foutre la merde avec nous ! Robert47cm
Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night - Page 2 Empty
Message Re: Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night
par Invité, Mar 10 Sep - 23:54 (#)
Merci Matt et Seena ! love

Et poupidoum, voilà ! Après être sûre de ne pas m'emmêler les pinceaux, j'ai apporté des modifications ! Si jamais ça ne va toujours pas, ou que vous trouvez que c'est toujours pas très clair -parce que c'est minime n'empêche, pardon en avance si c'est le cas RIP- n'hésitez pas ! Haww

Les modifications :
Le Choixpeau Magique
pnj - we are all subjects to the fates
Le Choixpeau Magique
Répartition : 19/01/2013
Hiboux Envoyés : 2104
Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night - Page 2 Empty
Message Re: Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night
par Le Choixpeau Magique, Jeu 12 Sep - 11:36 (#)
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chez les Serdaigle!

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Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night - Page 2 Empty
Message Re: Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night
par Contenu sponsorisé, (#)

Cecilie ♝ They didn't warn me, when I was running wild, the dragon's breathing fire in the backyard at night

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