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"We built these paper mountains, then sat and watched them burn" ‡ Willow
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"We built these paper mountains, then sat and watched them burn" ‡ Willow - Page 3 Empty
Message Re: "We built these paper mountains, then sat and watched them burn" ‡ Willow
par Invité, Mer 18 Mai - 23:18 (#)
Bienvenue ! Je kiffe le prénom de ton personnage !
"We built these paper mountains, then sat and watched them burn" ‡ Willow - Page 3 Empty
Message Re: "We built these paper mountains, then sat and watched them burn" ‡ Willow
par Invité, Jeu 19 Mai - 12:07 (#)
Bienvenuuue Chou
"We built these paper mountains, then sat and watched them burn" ‡ Willow - Page 3 Empty
Message Re: "We built these paper mountains, then sat and watched them burn" ‡ Willow
par Invité, Ven 20 Mai - 18:23 (#)
Merci vous deux, vous êtes chou! Daengelo
"We built these paper mountains, then sat and watched them burn" ‡ Willow - Page 3 Empty
Message Re: "We built these paper mountains, then sat and watched them burn" ‡ Willow
par Invité, Sam 21 Mai - 16:35 (#)
Étant donné que ta fiche a été postée il y a une semaine ou plus, il ne te reste plus que jusqu'au vendredi 27 mai inclus pour la terminer. Sad N'hésite pas à demander un délai si c'est trop juste. Daengelo
"We built these paper mountains, then sat and watched them burn" ‡ Willow - Page 3 Empty
Message Re: "We built these paper mountains, then sat and watched them burn" ‡ Willow
par Invité, Dim 22 Mai - 22:13 (#)
Hello, Daengelo
Je pense pouvoir la terminer à temps, une fois que j'aurais reçu la réponse à ma demande. Brille

Edit:hello again, Je voudrais savoir s'il était possible d'avoir un délais jusqu'a mardi? J'ai pris un peu de retard et j'en suis désolé. Hide
"We built these paper mountains, then sat and watched them burn" ‡ Willow - Page 3 Empty
Message Re: "We built these paper mountains, then sat and watched them burn" ‡ Willow
par Invité, Dim 29 Mai - 10:48 (#)
pas de nouvelle, j'archive
Contenu sponsorisé
"We built these paper mountains, then sat and watched them burn" ‡ Willow - Page 3 Empty
Message Re: "We built these paper mountains, then sat and watched them burn" ‡ Willow
par Contenu sponsorisé, (#)

"We built these paper mountains, then sat and watched them burn" ‡ Willow

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» Burn it up, burn it up, like a bludfire ♫
» if we burn, you burn with us. (florianne)
» if we burn, you burn with us. (talie)
» (treasa) + she’s watched you come alive while she’s lied down and died.

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